CMC (Carpometacarpal) Arthritis

Carpometacarpal (CMC) Arthritis is a type of osteoarthritis that occurs at the base of the thumb. It’s also known as thumb arthritis. The CMC joint, one of the most important joints for hand function, allows the thumb its wide range of motion.

Causes of CMC Arthritis

CMC Arthritis is typically caused by normal wear and tear associated with aging, and the joint cartilage gradually wears away over time. It can also be caused by injury or overuse. Women are more likely than men to develop this condition, and it usually affects people over the age of 40.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of CMC Arthritis include pain at the base of the thumb, particularly during activities that involve pinching or gripping, swelling, and decreased strength and range of motion. Diagnosis is typically based on a physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays.

Treatment Options

Treatment for CMC Arthritis aims to relieve pain and restore function to the thumb. This can often be achieved through a combination of rest, splinting, heat or cold therapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In more severe cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary.

Prevention Tips

While it’s not always possible to prevent CMC Arthritis, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding activities that put excessive stress on the thumbs, and practicing good hand hygiene.


CMC Arthritis is a common condition that can significantly impact hand function and quality of life. However, with appropriate treatment, symptoms can be managed effectively, and thumb function can be preserved or restored.

Please note that this article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for accurate information.

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